
Japan Times Weekly Odd species of tiny dinosaur identified in U.S.

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
Odd species of tiny dinosour identified in U.S.

2)First sentence in English and Japanese
Reserchers have identified a species of puny dinosaur so odd looking--quills like a porcupine, a parrot like beak and fangs like vampire--it probably deserved a small part in Jurassic Park.

3)Summary of article in English
American reserchers said that they have identified a species of tiny dinosaur, which has quills like a porcupire, a parrot like beak and fangs like a vampire. It is the kind of small herbivores called heterodontosaurus, and the resercher, Sreno, named it Pegomastax africans. The creature's length is 61 centimeters long and the weight is less than a house cat. Also, it has tall teeth in the upper and lower jaws and they were keeped as they are like self-sharping scissors.

4)Reflections in English
I was surprized when I read this news. Because the reserch of dinsaurs has carried out for long time and I think almost kind of dinosour were already find out. the However, new spcies, Pegomastax africans was discovered, this is the splendid achivement. The resercher said that the new creature has fands like vampire though it is a kind of herbivore, I think its reason is for to self defense. This odd species of tiny dinosaur renewed the history of dinosaur.

identify正体を確認する、 quills(ヤマアラシなどの)針、herbivores草食の、 porcupineヤマアラシ、 virtually実質的には

source:Japan Times Weekly October 20, 2012 AFP-Jiji


Japan Times on line Seven Chinese navy worships skirt Okinawa

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
Seven Chinses navy worships skirt Okinawa

2)First sentence in English and Japanses
Seven Chinese warships passed Tuesday through Japan's contiguous zone, a band of water just outside the nation's territorial waters, near an Okinawa island, the Defense Ministry said.

3)Summary of article in English
On Tuesday morning, at around at seven a.m. there were seven Chinses worships including destroyers and frigates, and it spotted from the Pacific Ocean to the East China Sea. The Defence Minister Mr. Morimoto said that he was not sure the purpose of the warships, and he added that "At present, we don't see any helicopters flying from the vessels," . Surprizingly, this is the first time that the Chinses navy worships invaded into 22 km wides contiguous zone between Yonaguni and Iriomote islands. Japan said that senkaku island's contiguous zone is control by theirselves, but China complaimd it. It is maybe Chinses protest, so the Defence Ministry said that we want to avoid the collsion each other.

I think, Japan and Chinses should live in friendship. Japan and Chinses are arguing about the problem of Senkaku island, China claim that it is Chinses' property, but Japan deny it. Certainly, I think Senkaku island is the property of Japan, but if China get the proprietary of Senkaku island, they will be also get more wide territorial water. However, this fight between Japan and Chinses is too heat upping now, so I am anxious about the friendship between them from now on. But I think, we can't be live without the cooporation. Because Japanese industries are  relying on China, and it is also the same thing to the Chinses people. Maybe the problem of Senkaku island will continue, but I hope that the relationship between Japan and Chinses will get fixed.

worships 軍艦  contiguous 隣接した  confirm 確認された provoke 挑発する  territorial 領土の

Japan Times


Japan times on line, all projects invoklving Moriguchi face probe

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
All projects involving Moriguchi face probe

2)First sentence in English and Japanses
The government and universities began looking Monday into research projects involving Hisashi Moriguchi, who falsely claimed he had carried out the world's first clinical trial using a trailblazing stem cell technology.

3)Summary of article
This article wrote about Hisashi Moriguchi, who is claimed he had succeed in the world's first climical trial that is used the iPS cell, falsely. The problem was happend at last week. Moriguchi, 48 years old and guraduated from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, said that he was the first peron who succeed in the trial of clinical using an iPS cell technology. iPS cell have the potencial, if it goes grow properly, it can be used any types of our body tissue. So, if Moriguchi's claim was true, that is amasing thing. But the six people who had admitted by Moriguchi as they are partner of the reserch said that it is false. Certainly, Moriguchi's sayings has many contradictions, yes, he had tell a lot of lies. However, the very inportant imformation was found by government that Moriguch was involving into two reserch projects subdized by the government between 2001 to 2005. He had get the money, 20.7 million yen as a subsidy. That is causing the confusion to the world. This problem will continue....

I think, Moriguchi is lack of moral. I can see that he just wanted to boast or stand out as famous person of clinical resercher. But, the technology of iPS cell is concern with the people who has sick in heart, so this is also concern with human's live. First of all, the iPS cell technology is connect with the problem of ethics, so this is the delicate issue. So, I feel regret that Moriguchi is only think about myself. And maybe he tell us more lie I think. I want to know the truth of this program.

involve 関与する admit 認める   subsidy 助成金  fiscal 年度、会計の railblazing 先駆的な

Japan Times


I will write an article summary in English,
but I'm sorry that I did not get Japan Times Weekly yet..
So I found the article on the online.

The title of the article is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.

It is begin the sentence, At more than 350 miles (563 km) long, the Mammoth–Flint Ridge cave system in central Kentucky is the longest cave system in the world.

The article said that,  the cave was formed over the past 10 million years by slightly acidic rainwater filtering through the cracks of a limestone ridge and the river was created in underground. But though this cave was very old and found long years ago, explores still discover new passages.The cave's rokcs have very interesting form, and it also has several rakes, rivers, and waterfalls and so on. And there are animals such as fish, beetles and so on. You can see this cave in Mammoth Cave in national park.

I think this cave has many story, because it was created for 10 millioms years ago. This cave has history, and it has seen many thing...that's interesting. And I also interested in the form of rocks of the cave. It was formed by reinfall, and cracks,  and maybe it will be change forever. I want to see it someday!!

english articles,


First Entry!!

Hello, this is the first Entry of my blog.

My name is Naomi Isobe, I am a student of  lauguage and communication English corse of YPU.
Please call me Naomi.

I like listening to music such as BEATLES, Ikimonogakari, and so on. And I like to sing a song!!And I also like to study English.

My goal at YPU is to be a fluent English speaker. I know that I couldn't speak much English now, and if I continue to study English in Japan, may be I can't be like a native speaker.

But I want to communicate with forigen pople, so I want to learn daily conversations at YPU and practice English communication from now onward.

So, I will do my best on every English class and speak positive, and comunicate with teachers and exchange students! Bsides, I will go to Canada next year as a  abroad study program on YPU!

I hope you to know about me.
Thank you for your reading.