
Japan Times Weekly Odd species of tiny dinosaur identified in U.S.

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
Odd species of tiny dinosour identified in U.S.

2)First sentence in English and Japanese
Reserchers have identified a species of puny dinosaur so odd looking--quills like a porcupine, a parrot like beak and fangs like vampire--it probably deserved a small part in Jurassic Park.

3)Summary of article in English
American reserchers said that they have identified a species of tiny dinosaur, which has quills like a porcupire, a parrot like beak and fangs like a vampire. It is the kind of small herbivores called heterodontosaurus, and the resercher, Sreno, named it Pegomastax africans. The creature's length is 61 centimeters long and the weight is less than a house cat. Also, it has tall teeth in the upper and lower jaws and they were keeped as they are like self-sharping scissors.

4)Reflections in English
I was surprized when I read this news. Because the reserch of dinsaurs has carried out for long time and I think almost kind of dinosour were already find out. the However, new spcies, Pegomastax africans was discovered, this is the splendid achivement. The resercher said that the new creature has fands like vampire though it is a kind of herbivore, I think its reason is for to self defense. This odd species of tiny dinosaur renewed the history of dinosaur.

identify正体を確認する、 quills(ヤマアラシなどの)針、herbivores草食の、 porcupineヤマアラシ、 virtually実質的には

source:Japan Times Weekly October 20, 2012 AFP-Jiji

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