
Enjoy your school life!

Do you enjoy your school life? Today, it is said that school education is very important, and people also think that the high academic achievement is required. But is studying only the way to getting success in your life? I don’t think so. I think that besides studying, student should do some activities such as club activities, volunteer work and so on. I have two reasons to say that. First, some extra activities give us a lot of experiences. For example, in my case, I am joining the Yosakoi club. The activities brought me many experiences, memories, smiles and a lot of friends. Next, through the activities, we can learn a sense of responsibility and social common sense. For instance, because the Yosakoi club has so many expeditions, I have learned that I should always consider my behavior in public place. And trough the meeting of the club, I also learned that how to say my opinions. Of course, studying is so important and students have to do their best and they should use their educational programs effectively. But I think you have to do some activities other than studying because you can get a lot of good experiences and social ability. Enjoy your school life!

Naomi Isobe

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