
The Japan Times WEEKLY Hoshide returns to Earth

1) Hoshide returns to Earth



2) Akihiko Hoshide returned to Earth on Nov. 19 after completing a four-month mission to the International Space Station and setting a new record for spacewalks by a Japanese astronaut.



3) The Japanese astronaut, Akihiko Hoshide returned to Earth from the International Space station. He completed the mission to there and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft carried Hoshide parachuted down safety. Hoshide said that on Twitter before the Soyuz undocked from the International Space Station, he thanks to all people who supported him and he is glad to born on this beautiful planet. This time, his spacewalks to repair the station totaled 21 hours and 23 minutes, which is surpassed the previous record of 20 hours and 5 minutes made by Soichi Noguchi.


4) When I was a child, I had a longing to go to space, but in fact, this is very hard to realize because for becoming an astronaut, it asks us hard training and patience, and it is highly competitive. So, I was glad to hear that Mr. Hoshide accomplished such achievement as the representative in the world. And it is surprised that he renewed the record of the space walks’ time. I hope the Japanese astronaut's will leave more achievement in the future.


5) spacewalks 宇宙遊泳、undocking ドッキング解除、surpass 凌駕する、astronaut 宇宙飛行士、 altitude 標高


Japan Times WEEKLY November 24, 2012

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