
The Japan Times WEEKLY A travesty of Justice

1) A travesty of Justice



2) The police have apologized to four people for mistakenly arresting them over threats posted on the Internet.



3) The police apologized that the four people who arrested because of the suspicion of made the threats on the internet were their mistake. Although the true criminal was the person who hacked the four people’s computer, the police extracted confessions from two of them. The police must avoid similar mistakes forever and investigate the cause of this incident.


4) When I read this article, I felt the distrust to the police. I think maybe the people who arrested as mistakenly were received psychological pressures and leading questions from the police, and under this threat, they had to confess. This is very fearful. I hope the police investigate crimes with a sense of justice, and they should lost the false charges.


5) Vocabulary

 travesty 模倣

 confession  自白

 hack (コンピュータなどに)不正に侵入する

 interrogation 尋問

 prosecutor 検察官

 mistakenly 誤って

The Japan Times WEEKLY November 3, 2012

1 件のコメント:

  1. This news is very sad...
    I think that the police should care about the four people's mind.
