
Japan Times WEEKLY NHK anchor held over train groping

1) NHK anchor held over train groping



2) A famous television announcer at Japan Broadcasting Corp., kwon as NHK, was arrested for indecently assaulting a woman on a train in Tokyo on Nov. 14, police said Nov. 15.



3) The police announced that a famous NHK’s announcer, Takeshige Morimoto was arrested as the suspicion of a groper for the woman. The witnesses said that the woman was 23-year-old and Morimoto touched her breasts on the Train on the Tokyu Dentoshi Line. Morimoto, who entered the NHK in1990, has told that, at that time, he drunk a lot and he didn’t remember the incident at all. NHK is judging his penalty.


4) When I heard this news, I was very shocked because I know Mr. Morimoto and I think he is a sincerely person. But his act can’t be allowed that he deeply hurt the woman’s heart. And he also hurt the NHK’s fame. I want him to have a responsibility that he is one of the represent of NHK, and I hope he will never commit such crime.


5) breast 胸部 assault 攻撃 indecently わいせつな proper 好ましい allegedly 伝えられるところによると


Japan Times WEEKLY November 24, 2012


Introduction of myself!!

Hello! My name is Naomi Isobe. I’m from Yamaguchi, and I am a member of the Yosakoi club. In this university, I am majoring the English course because I wanted to improve my English skills. In this course we can learn writing, speaking, and reading skills from native teachers. All of the English classes are very fun! And this university has a lot of fascinating points. One of the good points, there are a lot of chance to go abroad in this university. Everyone in this university will support you! Try to find another fascinations if you enter this university.



Japan Times WEELKY Sakai plots return to stage in December

1) Sakai plots return to stage in December



2) Noriko Sakai plans to return to the stage in December following her conviction on drug charges in 2009, the pop idol-turned-actress announced Nov. 24.



3) On November 24th, Noriko Sakai announced that she will return to the entertainment world as an actress in December. For 3 years ago, in 2009, she was convicted of the using of illegal drugs, and she finished her term of probation. She deeply reflected on her crime, and she wants to express her gratitude to her fans and supporters. In addition, she also revealed that she will play on stage as a character named Oichi, Oda Nobunaga’s sister. The play will start on December 15th , at Shibuya Cultural Owada in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo.


4) When I read this news, I was very surprised because the crime that Noriko Sakai used the illegal drug in 2009 was very shocking for the Japanese people, and she lost the confidence from us, so I didn’t think that she’ll be come back to the media as an actress. I think, her crime shouldn’t be forgiven, that was a very heavy sin. And I believe that every people think so too. But she has very strong determination to confront such situation. So, I want her to be a model who gave up her evil ways, and I hope such crime will never be occurred.


5) conviction 確信、罪の自覚 charges …を課する gratitude 感謝する illegal 非合法の stimulant 覚せい剤

Japan Times WEEKLY December 1, 2012


The Japan Times WEEKLY Hoshide returns to Earth

1) Hoshide returns to Earth



2) Akihiko Hoshide returned to Earth on Nov. 19 after completing a four-month mission to the International Space Station and setting a new record for spacewalks by a Japanese astronaut.



3) The Japanese astronaut, Akihiko Hoshide returned to Earth from the International Space station. He completed the mission to there and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft carried Hoshide parachuted down safety. Hoshide said that on Twitter before the Soyuz undocked from the International Space Station, he thanks to all people who supported him and he is glad to born on this beautiful planet. This time, his spacewalks to repair the station totaled 21 hours and 23 minutes, which is surpassed the previous record of 20 hours and 5 minutes made by Soichi Noguchi.


4) When I was a child, I had a longing to go to space, but in fact, this is very hard to realize because for becoming an astronaut, it asks us hard training and patience, and it is highly competitive. So, I was glad to hear that Mr. Hoshide accomplished such achievement as the representative in the world. And it is surprised that he renewed the record of the space walks’ time. I hope the Japanese astronaut's will leave more achievement in the future.


5) spacewalks 宇宙遊泳、undocking ドッキング解除、surpass 凌駕する、astronaut 宇宙飛行士、 altitude 標高


Japan Times WEEKLY November 24, 2012


Enjoy your school life!

Do you enjoy your school life? Today, it is said that school education is very important, and people also think that the high academic achievement is required. But is studying only the way to getting success in your life? I don’t think so. I think that besides studying, student should do some activities such as club activities, volunteer work and so on. I have two reasons to say that. First, some extra activities give us a lot of experiences. For example, in my case, I am joining the Yosakoi club. The activities brought me many experiences, memories, smiles and a lot of friends. Next, through the activities, we can learn a sense of responsibility and social common sense. For instance, because the Yosakoi club has so many expeditions, I have learned that I should always consider my behavior in public place. And trough the meeting of the club, I also learned that how to say my opinions. Of course, studying is so important and students have to do their best and they should use their educational programs effectively. But I think you have to do some activities other than studying because you can get a lot of good experiences and social ability. Enjoy your school life!

Naomi Isobe


Japan Times WEEKLY First solely bio-fuel jet flight raises clean travel hopes

1) First solely bio-fuel jet flight raises clean travel hopes



2) The world's first flight powered entirely by bio jet fuel has raised hopes for cleaner air travel and upped the prospects of a boon for farmers whose oilseed crops could supplant kerosene.



3) In 2012, October 29, a Dassault Falcon 20 took off from the Canadian capital Ottawa, this is the world’s first flight, which uses the renewable bio-jet fuel. The fuel was made by brassica carinata, it is commonly used for making Ethiopian mustard, and this crop is well suited for growing in semiarid areas. In Canada, more than 40 farmers contracted with the two companies, Agrisoma and Applied Research to grow over 2400 hectares oilseed, and it will be turned into bio jet fuel by them. This bio-fuel could be commercially available within a few years.


4) When I read this article, I felt an expectation to this bio-fuel technology. If this fuel have been using practically, the emissions will be reduced and we can keep the clean air. And this bio-fuel is sustainable, so there are no concerns about the drain of the fuel. I hope the early establishment of generally using the bio-fuel to the air plane


5) supplant ~にとって変わる solely 単独で round tip 往復で trailed ~の後に続いた swapped with ~と入れ替えられる

Japan Times WEEKLY November 17, 2012


The Japan Times Weekly- Shark brains could hold key to attacks

1) Shark brains could hold key to attacks



2) Shark brains have been found to share several features with those of humans, a discovery that Australian researchers believe could be crucial to developing ‘’ repellents’’ for the killer great white species.



3) An Australian researchers found that Shark brains have quite large parts of the brains associated with their visual input, which is alike to the human brains. The researcher, Yopak said that, today, most repellents for sharks are the type of electronic pores on a sharks head and send the electrical signal to their brain. And she added that it is important to understand the mechanism of their brain, and it will be connect to developing a new ‘’repellents’’ as simple as marking patterns on surfboards and wetsuits.


4) When I read this news, I remembered that I felt an awful feeling to a shark because of the affect of the movie ‘’jaws’’. Today, a lot of people are attacked by sharks, it is terrible. By this discovery like this news, I want more effective repellents to be developed.


5 ) repellents 忌避剤 white great shark ホホジロザメ poisonous 有毒な repel 撃退 implication 含意


The Japan Times WEEKLY November 17, 2012


The Japan Times WEEKLY A travesty of Justice

1) A travesty of Justice



2) The police have apologized to four people for mistakenly arresting them over threats posted on the Internet.



3) The police apologized that the four people who arrested because of the suspicion of made the threats on the internet were their mistake. Although the true criminal was the person who hacked the four people’s computer, the police extracted confessions from two of them. The police must avoid similar mistakes forever and investigate the cause of this incident.


4) When I read this article, I felt the distrust to the police. I think maybe the people who arrested as mistakenly were received psychological pressures and leading questions from the police, and under this threat, they had to confess. This is very fearful. I hope the police investigate crimes with a sense of justice, and they should lost the false charges.


5) Vocabulary

 travesty 模倣

 confession  自白

 hack (コンピュータなどに)不正に侵入する

 interrogation 尋問

 prosecutor 検察官

 mistakenly 誤って

The Japan Times WEEKLY November 3, 2012


The Japan Times Weekly Reconstruction funds should be used exclusively for disaster-hit areas

1) Reconstruction funds should be used exclusively for disaster-hit areas



2) It was surfaced that a special account budget to fund reconstruction of communities devastated by the 3/11 earthquake, tsunami and subsequent Fukushima nuclear disaster has been used to pay for unrelated projects.



3) It was revealed that the part of the reconstruction funds were not used for disaster-hit areas that were devastated by the 3/11 earthquake. The government said that without the reconstruction of Japanese economy, it will be impossible that the true reconstruction of the disaster-hit areas. But in the disaster-hit area, 60 percent of the small and medium size enterprise owners’ request for to receive subsidy were turned down due to a shortage of funds. The government should have common sense principle that the reconstruction budget should be used for projects to the disaster areas.


4) When I read this article, I got angry to the government. The people in the disaster-hit areas need more help of money to reveal this serious damage caused by the earthquake. I think government should consider this situation more serious, and also consider that the most important thing they have to do now. I hope to the quickly revival of the disaster-hit areas.


5) Vocabulary

devastate 荒れる disaster 災害 utilize 利用する apparently 見たところでは revive 復興する


The Japan Times WEEKLY October 27, 2012


Japan Times Weekly Odd species of tiny dinosaur identified in U.S.

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
Odd species of tiny dinosour identified in U.S.

2)First sentence in English and Japanese
Reserchers have identified a species of puny dinosaur so odd looking--quills like a porcupine, a parrot like beak and fangs like vampire--it probably deserved a small part in Jurassic Park.

3)Summary of article in English
American reserchers said that they have identified a species of tiny dinosaur, which has quills like a porcupire, a parrot like beak and fangs like a vampire. It is the kind of small herbivores called heterodontosaurus, and the resercher, Sreno, named it Pegomastax africans. The creature's length is 61 centimeters long and the weight is less than a house cat. Also, it has tall teeth in the upper and lower jaws and they were keeped as they are like self-sharping scissors.

4)Reflections in English
I was surprized when I read this news. Because the reserch of dinsaurs has carried out for long time and I think almost kind of dinosour were already find out. the However, new spcies, Pegomastax africans was discovered, this is the splendid achivement. The resercher said that the new creature has fands like vampire though it is a kind of herbivore, I think its reason is for to self defense. This odd species of tiny dinosaur renewed the history of dinosaur.

identify正体を確認する、 quills(ヤマアラシなどの)針、herbivores草食の、 porcupineヤマアラシ、 virtually実質的には

source:Japan Times Weekly October 20, 2012 AFP-Jiji


Japan Times on line Seven Chinese navy worships skirt Okinawa

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
Seven Chinses navy worships skirt Okinawa

2)First sentence in English and Japanses
Seven Chinese warships passed Tuesday through Japan's contiguous zone, a band of water just outside the nation's territorial waters, near an Okinawa island, the Defense Ministry said.

3)Summary of article in English
On Tuesday morning, at around at seven a.m. there were seven Chinses worships including destroyers and frigates, and it spotted from the Pacific Ocean to the East China Sea. The Defence Minister Mr. Morimoto said that he was not sure the purpose of the warships, and he added that "At present, we don't see any helicopters flying from the vessels," . Surprizingly, this is the first time that the Chinses navy worships invaded into 22 km wides contiguous zone between Yonaguni and Iriomote islands. Japan said that senkaku island's contiguous zone is control by theirselves, but China complaimd it. It is maybe Chinses protest, so the Defence Ministry said that we want to avoid the collsion each other.

I think, Japan and Chinses should live in friendship. Japan and Chinses are arguing about the problem of Senkaku island, China claim that it is Chinses' property, but Japan deny it. Certainly, I think Senkaku island is the property of Japan, but if China get the proprietary of Senkaku island, they will be also get more wide territorial water. However, this fight between Japan and Chinses is too heat upping now, so I am anxious about the friendship between them from now on. But I think, we can't be live without the cooporation. Because Japanese industries are  relying on China, and it is also the same thing to the Chinses people. Maybe the problem of Senkaku island will continue, but I hope that the relationship between Japan and Chinses will get fixed.

worships 軍艦  contiguous 隣接した  confirm 確認された provoke 挑発する  territorial 領土の

Japan Times


Japan times on line, all projects invoklving Moriguchi face probe

1)Title of article in English and Japanese
All projects involving Moriguchi face probe

2)First sentence in English and Japanses
The government and universities began looking Monday into research projects involving Hisashi Moriguchi, who falsely claimed he had carried out the world's first clinical trial using a trailblazing stem cell technology.

3)Summary of article
This article wrote about Hisashi Moriguchi, who is claimed he had succeed in the world's first climical trial that is used the iPS cell, falsely. The problem was happend at last week. Moriguchi, 48 years old and guraduated from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, said that he was the first peron who succeed in the trial of clinical using an iPS cell technology. iPS cell have the potencial, if it goes grow properly, it can be used any types of our body tissue. So, if Moriguchi's claim was true, that is amasing thing. But the six people who had admitted by Moriguchi as they are partner of the reserch said that it is false. Certainly, Moriguchi's sayings has many contradictions, yes, he had tell a lot of lies. However, the very inportant imformation was found by government that Moriguch was involving into two reserch projects subdized by the government between 2001 to 2005. He had get the money, 20.7 million yen as a subsidy. That is causing the confusion to the world. This problem will continue....

I think, Moriguchi is lack of moral. I can see that he just wanted to boast or stand out as famous person of clinical resercher. But, the technology of iPS cell is concern with the people who has sick in heart, so this is also concern with human's live. First of all, the iPS cell technology is connect with the problem of ethics, so this is the delicate issue. So, I feel regret that Moriguchi is only think about myself. And maybe he tell us more lie I think. I want to know the truth of this program.

involve 関与する admit 認める   subsidy 助成金  fiscal 年度、会計の railblazing 先駆的な

Japan Times


I will write an article summary in English,
but I'm sorry that I did not get Japan Times Weekly yet..
So I found the article on the online.

The title of the article is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.

It is begin the sentence, At more than 350 miles (563 km) long, the Mammoth–Flint Ridge cave system in central Kentucky is the longest cave system in the world.

The article said that,  the cave was formed over the past 10 million years by slightly acidic rainwater filtering through the cracks of a limestone ridge and the river was created in underground. But though this cave was very old and found long years ago, explores still discover new passages.The cave's rokcs have very interesting form, and it also has several rakes, rivers, and waterfalls and so on. And there are animals such as fish, beetles and so on. You can see this cave in Mammoth Cave in national park.

I think this cave has many story, because it was created for 10 millioms years ago. This cave has history, and it has seen many thing...that's interesting. And I also interested in the form of rocks of the cave. It was formed by reinfall, and cracks,  and maybe it will be change forever. I want to see it someday!!

english articles,


First Entry!!

Hello, this is the first Entry of my blog.

My name is Naomi Isobe, I am a student of  lauguage and communication English corse of YPU.
Please call me Naomi.

I like listening to music such as BEATLES, Ikimonogakari, and so on. And I like to sing a song!!And I also like to study English.

My goal at YPU is to be a fluent English speaker. I know that I couldn't speak much English now, and if I continue to study English in Japan, may be I can't be like a native speaker.

But I want to communicate with forigen pople, so I want to learn daily conversations at YPU and practice English communication from now onward.

So, I will do my best on every English class and speak positive, and comunicate with teachers and exchange students! Bsides, I will go to Canada next year as a  abroad study program on YPU!

I hope you to know about me.
Thank you for your reading.